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Vanrie Philippe

Vanrie Philippe

Chair of the Mutual Learning Exercise on Knowledge Valorisation (EU), Advisor to University of Vaasa (FI), IM at Noshaq Investment Fund (BE)

Engineer by education, Philippe chairs the Horizon Europe Mutual Learning Exercise on Knowledge Valorisation (EC). He currently works as Senior EU Advisor & Brussels representative for the University of Vaasa (Western Finland), and as Investment Manager for the Noshaq Investment Fund (Liège, Belgium).

During 25+ years, Philippe was the leader of several european innovation networks: CEO of EBN (1999-2016), the European Network of Business & Innovation/Incubation Centers (EU-BICs), Head of EUREKA (2017-2020), the inter-governmental Innovation Network developing publicly-funded mechanisms (Eurostars, Eureka Clusters) helping SMEs to innovate & collaborate, and more recently (2022) interim coordinator of the D4DHub (Digital for Development) initiative. With a clear mission: developing vibrant innovation ecosystems supporting innovative start-ups communities to emerge, grow, and scale-up across competitive markets by mobilizing private and public financial and non-financial resources, for a sustainable socio-economic prosperity.

He is assigned as independent expert by various EC departments, such as EC-DG Regio (Smart Specialization, Inter-regional Thematic Platforms, C4C), DG R&I (Horizon Europe), the EIT (EIT-KICs), and the EIC (European Innovation Council). He is Professor & Advisory Board Member of Coventry University (UK). He founded EcoSystemiX in September 2020, an advisory company offering expertise and support to Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems’ players.