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June 3rd to June 5th 2024



Namur, Belgium

Satellite event


SET Plan IWG-Ind 2024 Annual Event: Advancing Sustainable Energy in Industry

Within the SET Plan framework and under the scope of the Belgian Presidency Semester, the Implementation Working Group on Sustainable and Efficient Energy Use in Industry (IWG-Ind) will hold its Annual Event: Advancing Sustainable Energy in Industry.

The event will be held on 5 June, from 13:00 to 18:00, followed by a networking cocktail session until 20:00.

The Annual Event, organised by the SET-IndEU Secretariat, will target a technical audience around the following industrial topics: Main challenges of the process industry – current drawbacks and needs; What the European Union is doing – EU-funded projects and SET Plan implementation actions; Critical issues to advancing the sustainable development of EU’s energy-intensive industry towards by 2030 and 2050.

Two interactive panels will engage EU and national projects to present and discuss their major results: 1) The Renewable Route: RES in industry: integration, availability and competitiveness; 2) Igniting Industrial Innovation: Heat recovery and upgrading in industry and heat2power.

More information on the SET-indEU website

OITB Workshop: A collaborative strategy for the commercialization of OITB services

Within the collaborative framework of Open Innovation Test beds (OITBs), and under the scope of the Belgian Presidency Semester, following the recommendations stemming from the third OITB workshop held in Lund, we are pleased to announce the forthcoming 4th OITB workshop focused on catalysing the commercialisation of OITB services (June 6th). Organized by the Convert2Green project, this workshop targets stakeholders invested in advancing innovation and technology commercialisation within the OITB ecosystem.

This workshop will serve as a satellite event of INDTech 2024, where a session titled ‘Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB): A New Kid on the Block’ will also take place (June 5th).

By participating in our workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to further explore the commercialisation strategies for OITB services.