Vanrie Philippe
Engineer by education, Philippe chairs the Horizon Europe Mutual Learning Exercise on Knowledge Valorisation (EC). He currently works as Senior EU Advisor & Brussels representative for the University of Vaasa (Western Finland), and as Investment Manager for the Noshaq Investment Fund (Liège, Belgium).
During 25+ years, Philippe was the leader of several european innovation networks: CEO of EBN (1999-2016), the European Network of Business & Innovation/Incubation Centers (EU-BICs), Head of EUREKA (2017-2020), the inter-governmental Innovation Network developing publicly-funded mechanisms (Eurostars, Eureka Clusters) helping SMEs to innovate & collaborate, and more recently (2022) interim coordinator of the D4DHub (Digital for Development) initiative. With a clear mission: developing vibrant innovation ecosystems supporting innovative start-ups communities to emerge, grow, and scale-up across competitive markets by mobilizing private and public financial and non-financial resources, for a sustainable socio-economic prosperity.
He is assigned as independent expert by various EC departments, such as EC-DG Regio (Smart Specialization, Inter-regional Thematic Platforms, C4C), DG R&I (Horizon Europe), the EIT (EIT-KICs), and the EIC (European Innovation Council). He is Professor & Advisory Board Member of Coventry University (UK). He founded EcoSystemiX in September 2020, an advisory company offering expertise and support to Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystems’ players.