Tiedje Jürgen
Since April 2021, Jürgen Tiedje is Head of the Industrial Transformation Unit in the Prosperity Directorate in DG Research & Innovation.
The activities of the unit covers research and innovation priorities ranging from chemicals, design of new materials (advanced materials), manufacturing (discrete and process manufacturing), metrology. Its primary focus is to facilitate the twin green and digital transition. The unit is in charge of preparing :
• The work programmes in the cluster “digital, industry, space” under Horizon Europe,
namely covering relevant industrial technologies;
• Implementing the Commission recommendation on Safe and Sustainable by design
chemicals and advanced materials;
• Preparing the Advanced Materials Communication for industrial leadership published
on 26 Feb.
• Driving as a public partner the following partnerships: PARC (chemical risk assessment), Made in Europe (discrete manufacturing); Process4Planet (energy intensive industries), Clean Steel Partnership (steel sector) and European Metrology Partnership;
• Contributing to other industry partnerships, notably Chips Joint Undertaking and
Circular Bio-Based Joint Undertaking.