Serrano Marta
Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the ICAI in Madrid in 1991 and Doctorate in Engineering from the Politecnical University of Madrid in 2007. 25 years of experience at CIEMAT (Spain) in the study of degradation mechanisms of structural materials operating in extreme environments, particularly in the determination of mechanical properties with miniature specimens.
Head of the Division of Materials of Energy Interest in CIEMAT. The Division has a recognised position at national and international level: coordination of 4 H2020/EURATOM projects and coordination of the EERA JPNM. Marta Serrano is the coordinator of the H2020/EURATOM project ENTENTE, of the Materials Group of the Spanish Nuclear Fission Energy Technology Platform and of the Materials for Energy Group of the Spanish Technology Platform on Advanced Materials and Nanomaterials. She is also an active member of the ISO and ASTM standardisation committees.