Fumero Sebastiano
Sebastiano is currently the Head of Unit in the European Commission – Research Executive Agency for the “Future Low Emission Industries” in charge of the management of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, contributing to the European Green Deal’s goals towards just transition and a climate-neutral economy.
The last 30 years, he used to serve the EU priorities by several positions as Cabinet member, Political decision-maker, and Head of Unit in both European Parliament and in the
European Commission.
His portfolios included mainly research and innovation for the environment. The EU transport and
aviation policies, aeronautics’ parts in Framework Programmes (FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020), research
budget, the initiatives of Joint Undertaking Clean Aviation and of Joint Technology Initiative in
aeronautics (Clean Sky 2).
Sebastiano has studied European Law and Political Sciences (Turin). He used to be fellow of
International Labour Organisation (Turin), École Nationale d’Administration (Paris), of Diplomatic
institute of Rome, and of the Fondation Jean Monnet.