Flandre Denis
Denis Flandre is full-time Professor in Electronics at UCLouvain. He is involved in the research and development of advanced semiconductor devices, digital and analog circuits, as well as sensors and photovoltaic cells, for special applications, more specifically ultra low-voltage low-power, radiofrequency, biomedical, radiation-hardened and extreme-temperature electronics and microsystems. He has authored or co-authored more than 1000 scientific articles or conference contributions and 14 patents. He has participated or coordinated numerous research projects funded by regional and European institutions. He has been a member of several EU Networks of Excellence on High-Temperature Electronics, SOI technology, Nanoelectronics and Micro-nano-technology. He is currently a principal investigator in a ERC-Synergy project entitled SWIMS, that explores a bio-inspired paradigm shift in the design, the hardware and the operation of future Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensing systems, towards substantial energy savings and minimization of their environmental impact.
Prof. Flandre is the scientific promotor for several start-ups such as e-peas (Energy harvesting and processing solutions for longer battery life, increased robustness in all IoT applications) and VoCSens (smart gas sensing solutions from edge to cloud).