Ferreboeuf Hugues
Hugues Ferreboeuf, 62 years old, has spent the majority of his professional career in the information technology sector, including over 15 years in top management positions. He has worked in various environments, such as large corporations, high-growth companies, and government agencies, and has also been an entrepreneur, having founded 3 companies. He is a Mines Engineer, graduated from the École Polytechnique and Télécom ParisTech.
Convinced that we are experiencing major changes that require decisive and rapid actions, since 2017 he has chosen to leverage his experience by advising companies, local communities, and public organizations on how to navigate ongoing digital, environmental, and societal transitions. He is a partner at Virtus Management, a management consulting firm he co-founded, resides in Paris, and has also joined the think tank The Shift Project (*) in late 2016, where he has been leading the Lean ICT project ever since.
(*) The Shift Project’s mission is to enlighten and influence the debate on energy transition in France and Europe.