Forsström Ulla
Dr. Ulla Forsström is experienced Project Manager and Coordinator working at VTT. She has industrial background and experience in both product development and applied research. Her passion is to find out new opportunities with novel materials to be used to create added value products.
Her work aims to replace plastics with functional fibre-based materials and to find other novel product opportunities for circular economy. Her main goal is to encourage project teams to find and scale up novel resource efficient and recyclable innovations for circular economy in fibre-based value chains.
Her current project EU INN-PRESSME OITB is focusing on biomaterials and novel opportunities in using nanomaterials in sustainable solutions. INN-PRESSME OITB aims to offer SMEs and large industrial companies commercial pilot line services from producing biobased material to processing them to novel products as scaling up pilot trials. From February 2025 INN-PRESSME Open Innovation Test Bed will serve customers across Europe.